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Monday, September 10, 2012

Numerology Class

There will be lots of polls between now and the election ...

61% choice about who would do better job
34% referendum on President Obama's job performance
The Hill
1,000 likely voters
September 6
MOE +/- 3%

Brit Hume, trusted reporter, felt that the word "referendum" skewed the poll heavily and that I'd they had used a more "everyday" expression it would have had a more accurate sampling

What Is Your View of President Obama Compared To 2008?
24% improved Greatly**
14% Improved Slightly
11% Slightly Worse
41% Much Worse
(same poll as above)

**gingers note: "improved greatly" could also mean that someone didn't like Obama at all in 2009, not that they liked him hen and now like him more**

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