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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Numerology class

Amongst Likely Women Voters
49% Obama

48% Romney
_3% Other/No Opinion
Swing state poll
Oct 5-11
443 Likely Women Voters
MOE +/- 6% (note 1)

Among Likely Women Voters
52% Obama
43% Romney
_5% No opinion/other
Oct 10-11
(no data size/MOE given)

• Obama's campaign spoke out about the polls
"The latest gallop/USAToday Battleground Survey showing President Obama and Governor Romney tied with women in battleground states is an extreme outlier, defying the trends seen in every other battleground and national poll" - Joel Benenson, Obama National Campaign Pollster

There was also a Pew poll that showed them in a 47%-47% tie amongst women nation wide

**note 1: I always suspect polls with such a high MOE, especially on these national polls ... Then too the sample is quite small for having been over such a long period of time

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