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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

UPDATE: Michigan RTW "riot"

I put riot in quotes because some will say it was, some will say it wasn't ... To me it was thuggery.

New footage shows not a stampede on the RTW tent which had its tent lines cut by thugs, but rather once these reported union supporters (one is shown wearing a UAW jacket) -who were so proud of what they were doing that like the KKK made sure they covered their faces - caused the tent to collapse, trapping people underneath it - footage shows them:



despite the yells from those trapped beneath it. The people trapped inside,I guess, we're handicapped and/or elderly folks.

When one guy (I assume a pro-RTWer) used his camera to take photos of the faces of the men standing on top of the tent slashing it with their box cutters, they thus tried to grab the camera out of his hands. This man must have been about 60 years old or so, maybe older ...

There is even cellphone footage of a fight INSIDE the tent - you can see the roof and folding chairs/tables and people PULLING UP THE TENT STAKES!

In fact IF the government would handle this as they did the Tea Party rallies, then this footage so clearly shows e faces of the perps - there could be CLEAR CONVICTIONS for not only property damage, but assault and intimidation!

Of course the Justice Department won't touch that ... 91% of political funding by the unions goes to the democratic party.

The tough part is yet to come ... when the first non-Union workers try to get jobs which was ALL Union before. Think about it - when you first get on a job, someone shows you the ropes - they tell you what should & shouldn't be done, they make sure you understand the safety issues, etc. There is such a hatred of Unions for non-Union workers that I could see cases of deliberate sabotaging of new workers. And I can see Unioned Supervisors turning a blind eye to it ...

Let's hope the Justice Department will stand up for the Regular Joe just as quickly as they have the Unioned Jack!

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