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Monday, March 03, 2014

Things That Make You Go HMMMM ....

Ok - I got this graphic from SkyNews via Drdge Report - it compares what Russia has in Ukrainian to what they have there ...

So ....

Russia has nearly 8X the troops of Ukrainian
The Ukraine only spends <b>3.5%</b> on military than Russia does

The most amazing part is -- there are TWICE as many Russian in Ukraine than Ukrainians! 

What the heck?!

These people are very out numbered .... BUT ... and it's a big but that might sound unusual coming from my mouth .... 

Should we really get involved??

Obama is talking about economic sanctions ... Like he knows anything about economics ... But basically it's coming AFTER he announced that he was going to CUT the budget for OUR military forces ...

Think it's just a coincidence? ITS NOT

This started when Obama reneged on the promise to Poland that Bush2 made to have interceptor missile launchers placed in their country to keep Russia OUT ... 

I'm just afraid that if we DONT get involved that Russia will run over Europe like hitler tried to do ... Remember that they wanted ALL of Germany after world war 2 ... Little taught fact that I learned from my dad who was THERE and shook the hands of some of the Russian forces in Berlin when they net each other ... 

But can we really AFFORD to get involved in another civil fight? Can our troops, which are about to be really chopped down, take spending MORE time on the fighting lines?

It's pretty iffy ... It's a tough issue to pick a side on ...

But I do like how the NEWS stations - at least the ones I listen to - are saying that the GOP were right in the last 2 elections that Russia is the biggest threat ...

Ummmmm .... Hmmmm ...

I think ....<b> I</b> think ... The real danger to us are people who THINK we are already living in a Star Trek world of total equality.

I think the real danger is states being allowed to legalize things that the federal laws have outlawed ... That being pot & ILlegals .... And then the Feds NOT doing anything to stop them ...

I think the biggest threat is cutting the MILITARY budget ... We aren't done with the terrorists .... We're not done overseas ... We're not done getting a directions for our CITIZENS who have issues fitting into society.

{in case you can't tell - I'm a big supporter of kids going into the military.
Disclosure: I have 4 kids ... 0 in the military ... for now}

But SHOULD we get involved?

Should it just be SANCTIONS or MILITARY? Or both?

I'm not sure ... I'm keeping an eye on Alaska ....

I think they are do a "Statue of Liberty" play ... While we're watching Ukrainian they are gonna hop the 13 mile strait up there ...

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