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Thursday, March 28, 2024


There's a funeral today in New York City for an officer who was killed trying to get a couple of men to clear their car from a city bus stop

Now when I heard this story yesterday, I was thinking it was a bus shelter - like we have up here so people can get out of inclimate weather - but then the more I thought about it I think I figured it out ...

The car was PARKED in the BUS LANE, in the place where a bus must stop to pick up the passengers ... that makes better sense.

The officer asked the gentleman who were in the car to leave the bus stop area .... move the car

The shooter said the car had broken down, it just stopped moving

The officer said to move the car .... even offered/menttioned calling for a tow ... the shooter and his brother still argued with the officer

Although we won't really know what happened until after the body cam footage is released to the public ... so we can see it for ourselves ....

I don't really trust ANY news outlet very much any longer - the more I dive into things.

The man who shot the officer was ARRESTED, but I have not heard if he is still in custody ...
He had been released and AWAITING TRIAL for a previous arrest ... his scheduled court date was April 2nd

Yeah ... I really HOPE they keep him IN JAIL and don' release him again until his trial on THIS charge ....

So Mr. Biden is IN NYC today - but the understanding is that he will NOT be attending neither the 2-Day wake, nor the FUNERAL of the officer ...
Which I actually applaude"
It would take away from the deceased and his family (he had a 1 year old child and a wife)
and the SECURITY issues would have been a NIGHTMARE

Although - they are saying the following people WILL be at the WAKE either TODAY or TOMORROW:
~Mr. Bill Clinton
~Mr. Barack Obama
~Mr. Donald Trump

Oh please, do NOT let Mr. Trump turn this into some kind of political rally!  Let him stay on topic of the fallen police officer!
It would be horrible if he starts ad-libbing, especially talking abut the court system.
Oh Jeez

And please, keep Mr. Biden the hell AWAY from the funeral ....
This woman is going to have a tough enough time geting on with her life and raising her child by herself , at least for a while, without adding this type of atmosphere to it all.

Just send your condolences ... send flowers ... make sure she's taken care of financially ... but DON'T show up!!!!!!

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