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Saturday, April 20, 2024


If you thought that this election season was going to be easy for Mr. Trump .... better think again ...

A)The "Hush Money" trial in Manhattan has started seating jourors this week ... and there have been both ups and downs with this one.  By Wednesday they had 7 people on the jurt, but by Thursday morning that had dropped to 5 ... then later 4 ... One because her family figured out that she was on the jury (I think I've got info one the original 6 from before, but most of that info is mute now) ... one because of postings on Twitter where they had called for Mr. Trump to be kicked out of office while he was still President ... and one for having been arrested (and I assumed put on trial) in the 1990s for vandalizing/removing political signs, and then saying on his juror form that he had never been arrested for a crime - its considered "lying" even if you have innocently forgotten.
Mr. Trump's issue is that the trial will be taking place in MANHATTAN ... so all the jurors MUST come from Manhattan -- it is known as being the most Blue/Democratic city in the USA!!!
Basically, from what I've heard, NOT ONE block in Manhattan voted for Mr. Trump in 2016 nor 2020!!
Yeah, unfortunately, Life isn't very Fair.

B)Poll numbers are starting to slip a bit for Mr. Trump ... well, not that he's losing any numbers, but Mr. Biden has in fact gone UP in a few states, but expecially in Swing States - those needed in order to win the election.

Last month, Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden were only in a "tie" (and even that was a statistical tie) in WI ... Now the number for the 4 Swing states look like this:S

State (B/T)
GA 45%/51%
MI  46%/49%
PA  48%/48%
WI  48%/48%

Yeah - that only seems to swing Mr. Trump's way when Robert Kennedy Jr. is put in there ... then most of them definately go for Mr. Trump.

Right now the biggest question, which no one seems to be asking with any seriousness, is WILL THERE BE MULTIPLE DEBATES?? and if so, WHAT TIME OF DAY??

Remember - Mr. Trump is currently required by the judge to be in court EVERY DAY of the trial ... its like the judge doesn't realize there's an election going on.
And as we have seen with Mr. Biden, as the day goes on, he begins to "get lost" ... almost like Sundowners.

Wouldn't it be something if during a debate, Mr. Biden starts getting ready for bed? We are pretty sure he's going to lose his train of thought, slur his words ...

this is going to be very interesting ...

And the worse part is -- 
IF Mr. Biden does start having these issues ... on LIVE Tv ... the YOUTH of America will likely make FUN of him.
Worse, will be if MR. TRUMP begins to do it -- he is not that far behind Mr. Biden age wise, and these trials may start to take a toll on his mind as well soon.
Let's hope - if it happens - Mr. Trump will treat him with compassion. Maybe, treat Mr. Biden as HE would want to be treated.

Whatever happens -- I just hope we don't have a "Jesse Ventura" moment with this next election ... Let's hope that people don't go "I can'tt vote for either one, I vote RFK" or "He'll never win, its a protest vote" ...

Ask MN what happened when we did that in 1996!!!

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