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Monday, April 01, 2024


 OMG - that treat for you kids is going to cost you more than you think!

In California, they have just increased the minimum wage for FAST TOOD WORKERS yet again ...
This time it will go from $16/hour to $20/hour!!!
And while, yes, most of these workers are just part time work ... there are a few which are in fact full-time workers, especially in a state like California where part-time is treated as full-time anyways ...

So they worker which flips your burger 40 hours a week will now groww ... 
will now be earing ...

$41,600 a YEAR

That is more than my father earned per year all his LIFE11
And he even OWNED the business during the last 20 years of his 25 years of his life.

So .... We were shocked ... okay, I was shocked and pointed it out to my husband ... that a large CHEESEBURGER MEAL at McDonald's (2 cheeseburgers, large fry, large drink) is OVER $10 ... and then there's TAX onthat too ...

We hardly ever had "fast food" growing up ... if we did, likely it was KFC and something bad had just happened and mom/dad didn't feel like cooking ... even then, 1 bucket and sides could feed the 9 of us for 2 days - mom just used bread in place of rolls the second day, and she always seemed to have mashed potato flakes on hand too. 
If it was a death, chances were we would get soup made from the bones on the third day - that dould sit in the crockpot over night and a can of mixed veg added in.

Remember when Fast Food jobs were BEGINNER jobs?
You got them to start building your work record, get something for your resume ... you weren't supposed to try to raise a family on it ... you were supposed to work there for a couple years, then MOVE ON to a different job, at a DIFFERENT company ...
But it seems that since 2009, these have become a job where you are supposed to make a "livable wage"


They have totally forgotten the purpose of a MINIMUM WAGE .... 

Henry Ford started the whole thing - Mr. Bigotry himself - started paying a minimum wage to KEEP his workers from leaving their jobs, which he had TRAINED them to do becuase IT COST MORE TO TRAIN THAN PAY them a fixed wage ....

These days, it costs more to PAY them to work than it does to TRAIN them ... how hard is it to plop a burger on a machine that automatically flips it for you? or throw some chicken nuggets in the microwave ...
My youngest daughter worked at a WORLD WIDE fast food chain ... once which I never had until high school (except when they came out with ice cream cones in the 70s, but they weren't as good as Dairy Queen, aka DQ)

I understand that people these days are RUDE ... but what can you expect when the person behind the counter is earning more than they do???

If I were a person living in California ... which thank goodness I am not ... knock on wood ... I would rather see a CUT IN TAXES than a pay raise!

They would be so much better off if they didn't have to pay such high taxes -- I know that in my state, we pay nearly 1/4 - 1/3 our paychecks just in taxes ... and then at the end of the year, the state still says we have to pay more ...
So I can't imagine what its like in California ...

I know they pay MORE in taxes than we do ... and I know many of the "rich" people (Hollywood & music talent types) are planning on moving out soon ... 
And I remember when California was going to tax people on their incomes for 10 YEARS AFTER they moved OUT of  the state ...
But I want to say that failed ... at least I would hope so ...

But Now to top all that tax ... they are hiking up the cost of eating out at an "affordable" place for a family?????


Government needs to stand up and tell people they are NOT supposed to STAY in minimum wage jobs ... they have to start teaching kids real JOB skills ... 
This is so sad.

Good-bye Cheeseburger meals ... I will truly miss you

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