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Tuesday, April 16, 2024






These are all possible titles for this posting ... and a couple which I felt shouldn't be shared because they were ... kind of tasteless.

The House Republicans ... you know that bunch of poop flinging monkeys ... are getting ready to debate a bunch of bills dealing with Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, our own borders ... each as an individual package - in hopes of cutting down all the rhetoric which seems to come with every single bill which they debate ...

Hey - don't get me wrong ... debate is important ... and bills need to be read before a vote ... and grouping them all ttogether makes it easier to "hide" hidden crap in plain sight.

No one wants to relive the whole "We gotta pass it to know what's in it" scenerio ever again ...
How Pelosi kept her job after that is beyond me ...

So Speaker Johnson - who is doing the job as Speaker rather well - Mr. Johnson is the one pushing the developement of these bills, although I'm sure he's not the only one who thought of this idea - I know I did - he has done the job the best he can ...

He's no Newt Gingrich  ....  but he's DOING. THE. JOB!

Leave him ALONE!!!

And this is the issue with the "new" generation of House members ... 

They don't think they will be able to do ANYTHING if a single Democrat likes it .... 

What a bunch of BABIES!!!!

There is a single House member (Republican) who is banging their rattle on the highchair ... because Democrats seem to be agreeing to this legislature/spending bills ... and Lord forbid they should act like GROWN-UPS and actually work together!!!

And so close to the election too ...

All you guys are doing is handing the Democrats sound bites ... video clips ... fodder .... for their political "machine"

Remember the Presidential election????

I'm not saying if he isn't doing his job, that you should keep him ...

But as far as we can tell -- he's doing a great job ... Leave. Him. Be.

The absolutely WORSE thing?

Mr. Johnson has had ENOUGH ... he resigned this morning ...

Yup he basically quit ... I don't think he's actually allowed to do this until a new Speaker is seated ...

So this will be the FOURTH Speaker of the House in 2 freakin' years!!!!

And the Republicans .... I don't believe this is a "delay tactic" as I've heard online ... I honestly think they just can't understand that, YES, you are going to have to work with the other party ...
You're "majority" isn't that big ...

Come on gang!

Put the older Rules of Speakership back into play ... before you make it so a DEMOCRAT gets the Speakership even though there's a Republican majority.

Your constituents didn't send you there to just sit on your butt ... or to appear on news shows ... nor line you pockets with money ... 

Do The Job Your People Sent You To DO .... NOT what you think your job is to do ...

This isn't a new position where there isn't a "job description" given ...

YOU know what the job is ... DO IT

Stop dinking around and get it done!

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