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Friday, April 05, 2024


 OOOOO - the democrats are putting their foot in it!

In an interview earlier this year, Justice Sortamayor (I know I've spelled that wrong) said that she is almost 70 years old (she's actually 69 years old) and being on the Supreme Court isn't what she thought it would be ...

She didn't think she would have to actually explain WHY she was voting a certain way, she didn't think that the Court would lean the other way ... BUT she never said that she wanted to quit

Only ONE judge, that I know of, has ever "retired" from the Supreme Court and that was Sandra Day O'Connor ... and she did it for personal/health reasons

Well - the Democrats (straight up Progressives in the party too) are calling for Justic Sortimayor to step down NOW so Biden can appoint someone else in her place before the end of his term.

A)They must figure Mr. Biden is going to LOSE the election, if they want him to appoint someone BEFORE the elections in November

B)They must figure that they will be LOSING the SENATE since part of the reasoning for doing it is because they currently have CONTROL of he Senate ...

C)They need to remember, that generally, Congress will NOT appoint a new justice during the year of ANY election ... so chances are, even if she announced she was going to retire, it couldn't happen until AFTER the election anyways.

But how HORRID must she feel - having those that she thought supported her, TELLING her to step down now???

If I were her, I'd do 3 things:
1. I'd STAY right where I am
2. I'd start ruling AGAINST what they want
3. I'd make sure that every opinion I expressed, I'd tell everyone WHY I voted the way I did.

it's true that she tends to vote liberal on most things - there's only been a couple times when she voted against what the Democrats wanted ... BUT I'm going to guess that it won't take too many votes going the other way for her to get her point across ...

like the cases involving Mr. Trump -- that'll stick it to the Democrats ... 

I actually have the interview someplace - I took photos (on another device) where they placarded up her words ...
I will find them this (soon, I've got a heck of a headache righ now) and I'll post them.

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