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Sunday, April 07, 2024


I'm about to sound totally heartless here - but you know what, I likely am ...

So the first story, straight ut of the gate this morning on This Week (ABC) was about the International team of "chefs" who went into Gaza, and were killed by Israeli drone strikes.

The leader, is going on every tv show he can now and is kvitching about how they were "targetted" by the Israeli forces ... and how they need to be held responsible for it ...

Prime Minister Netanyahu has already come out and said it was a mistake, that they are still doing a thorough investigation, that hey know which troops were there, etc.  and it sounded like an apology to me as well.

Now this head chef, I don't recall his name, says he wishes he had never even started the group ... yeah.

So - here's the lesson ... one that people who jumped on a plane and ran over to Ukraine have learned ...

When YOU go INTO a designated WAR ZONE - be it by YOUR words or between 2 GROUPS of other people - there is a possiblilty you could get CAPTURED as a P.O.W. or, even KILLED!!!

Just because you realize that you aren't going to do anything bad -- does NOT mean that everyone else does!!!

Here's what my understanding is ...

It was NIGHT TIME - and there's NOT SUPPOSED to be MOVEMENT on the roads at night ...
I'm pretty sure hey were told this ....

AND for some reason this group of people BRINGING FOOD to those who need it (that's a whole different thing) ... 
The Israeli forces sent a DRONE over the area to see who/what they were ....

The soldiers claim they did not see any markings recognized as "peacerful forces" ... such as the Red Cross/Red Cresent -- there's more on this in a little bit -- and so they struck, thinking they were likely Hammas.

Reasonable ... 

Okay - First - did no one bother to find out WHY the Red Cross had to change their symbol to a CRESENT over there in the middle east area?

It really has NOTHING to do with a cross being a religious symbol has EVERYTHING to do with it looking like a TARGET!!!

Secondly - did no one ever think to ask the Red Cross/Red Cresent how many of its workers are KILLED when entering an area such as Gaza because they are misidentified?

Thirdly -- I don't want to pile on any guilty feelings onto the guy who started this chefs group - after all, it seems like a really good idea - but I've gotta ask ... why the heck weren't YOU over there? Risking YOUR freedom? Risking YOUR life? for YOUR cause?

I mean, I'm glad the guy has survived ... but damn - you should be going on tv and saying that you wish you had been over there WITH them, before you start screaming about how you wish you had never started the program.

I also think, that these guys had to know what they were risking ...

Its like joining the military and then complaining because, well, guess what? You've gotta go do military DUTY ... aka go into combat.

It isn't unusual for a thorough investigation to take OVER A YEAR to complete ... even with all the new technology ... in fact, that could slow it down ... 

I think it also needs to be noted that the guy who started this chefs group, is from that area ... but not on the Israeli side of things ... so he went in with a bias, and I'm sure this isn't helping matters.

I'm just saying -- I know I sound like a total @$$#*!3 here ...

And I am very sorry for what happened -- it is very sad that these people died while trying to do good ,,.

But they knew the risks ,..

Stop blaming Israel for fighting back -- you need to understand what they have gone through ..
check out some videos about the OLYMPICS in MUNICH, GERMANY ... I think it was Munich ... where things went so horribly wrong.

Check out why they have to have MILITARY  men guarding their SIRPORTS, their HOSPITALS, and their SCHOOLS ....

you NEED to understand exactly WHY they are acting the way they do ...

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