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Sunday, July 28, 2024


Okay - okay .... this time I did NOT goof up -- this is a different story ... this one deals with the Border Czar issue .... 

oooo, these numbers are very intersting .... to say the least ...
Again ... I will bold the higher number.

Mexico, El Salvador, Guatamala, & Honduras
3.2 Million .... 2009-2016 .... Obama 
1.8 Million .... 2017-2020 .... Trump
4.31 Million ..2021-NOW .... Biden (data incomplete)

That's 34% higher than under Obama, and this is only up until THIS point in time, there's still a lot of time left!

This also does NOT include ilLegals from  other nations such as China, India, the Bahamas, Cuba, various nations in Africa, etc. etc.
Nor does this count any that are coming down from the Northern Border ....

And, yes, we do gett quite a few coming down from Canada.  And its not all Canucks, either.

Fox News found out WHO was in charge of putting out the talking point about Harris NOT being the one in charge of the border ... I'm not going to post her name here though .... but she is WRONG.

I'm going to guess she probably gets the majority of her news from MSNBC (Biden's favorite network) and TikTok ...

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