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Friday, July 12, 2024


Well, it turned out to be 2 dead bodies.

Yup .... I was watching BBC America's morning news program this morning (no idea what its called) - I was flipping though the channels waiting for Charmed (TNT) to come back from a commercial, when I popped into the BBC-America program ...

On there they broke in with an News Update ...

You see, apperently, they had shut down some major bridge in London because 2 large suitcases had been left unatended .... and with all the tension that has been going on over there with their border issues -- you thought our broder czar was an issue, you should see theirs -- the police got called in to check it out.

Well - turns out that INSIDE these 2 SUITCASES were 2 ADULT MALE bodies.


Do you know how big those suitcases must have been???  Even if the bodies had been ... how to put this ... dismembered they would still have taken up a LOT of space ....
I'm a wizard at packing (according to my hubby) but even then ...

I mean - its not like they were ground up ... otherwise, how would they have known it was 2 seperate adult men? right?

Okay - so ..... the next question is ....


I haven't heard anything on that one ...
You would think that 2 men going missing at about the same time would have been noticed by someone!

Unless, they happen to be from 2 different times or different places ... or both.

You know who would have loved this story?

Agatha Christie ... that's where she got a lot of her inspirations for stories - newspaper reports ... some were from occurances in towns where she was either on vacation or living at any given time ... but many more simply came from newspaper articles.

Hmmmm .... I'll keep you all updated on this story
IF I can find anything else out about it.

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