May the Gargoyle Be With You - Follow my blog on your site or Google reader

Thursday, September 19, 2024


 \\Remember when Walz DENIED that President Trump had to step in to get the National Guard out?

I think, even I, thought it sounded wrong - after all, the Naional Guard is supposed to be under the Governor of a State's power not the President's .... unless its for military need around the world ....

BUT ... trying my best to stay on subject ...

It appears that President Trump WAS called to increase the number of National Guard troops during the "George Floydd Riots" .... ((place eye roll here)) .... 

How do we know this?

THE GUY WHO MADE THE CALL has said so -- during a Garage Logic podcast ...

And I've got the portion of the episode!  

Well, okay - the podcat put it up on YouTube and I'm just embedding it here ...

so remember .... THIS IS NOT MINE .... I have nothing to do wih it ....

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