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Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Yes - I am talking about President Biden ... and no, I am NOT making fun of him, I am totally serious.

I was watching Special Report (FNC) this morning - I was a litle behind - when at the very end .... and I can totally understand why they saved it for the end, it isn't a clip, I'm sure, that they wanted to go viral ....

President Biden had a meeting with some foriegn leaders (I think they said 4) ....

He was standing at a podium - the shot was tight so I can't say where the other leaders were, but I can guess they were likely at podiums, themselves.

So he's speaking away .... when he trailed off, as he is apt to do sometimes ... and then he seemed to have lost his way ...

He knew someone was next, but he couldn't remember who ... kind of makes sense - after all, there were 4 others there ...

So he asked "Who's next?"

But when he didn't get a signal or audio of who it was ... well, he seemed to get rather angry, at least in my mind ...

and then yelled it out, "Who's Next"

Now, we know that over the Labor Day weekend, instead of joining Harris-Walz on the campaign trail, as many thought he would/should have, he went on vacation .... AGAIN.

But instead of just relaxing around the house wih his family .... news crews found him relaxing - on a public beach - but they didn't see any Secret Service around ... and people - everyday folk, like you or me, were walking past him ....

Like right in front of him ... within arms length, by the looks of it on the video ...

But - usually - when he takes these "vacations" its generally because he has some big event or trip coming up ...

and I truly think it is to adjust his medication to be sure he will be able to get through it all. ... hopefully, without an incident.

I'm not so sure the medicine is working any longer ...

We will have to see ...

While I think it would be a horrid thing if he resigned, and Harris took over - oh God, imagine her dealing with the crap overseas right now .... a shiver just ran down my spine!

We will have to see what happens ....

It may have just been a bad moment ....

It was Modi, from India, by the way .... he was next.

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