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Monday, October 14, 2024


Okay - it's been a bit ... I've been trying to stay out of it ... but I have to jump in now ....

This afternoon - yeah, I was a bit late - I was watching Good Morning America (ABC) ... despite thier stark bias, I still watch them .... they put up a "new" poll ....

50% Harris
48% Trump

and they were talking about how the numbers are "tightening up" .... and while I thought about it this weekend while watching CBS & ABC weekend shows - it just didn't really solidify until I heard the reporter talking this morning ...

It hit me .... square in the face ....

The polls are BIASED as well - at least the ones they are reporting on ....

The polls you see being reported on news programs - the straight percentage ones - those are based on POPULAR votes ....

It's the "Homecoming Queen" from high school all over again .... it is simply based on who - in thier "random" group - gets the most votes ....

And you'll notice - they never tell you where the people they sample come from ... 

Do you think that only 2% of the population WON'T tell them who they are voting for, or are voting for other parties???

I'm going to guess that at least 5% of the poplation - at any point since the 70s - are voting for a 3rd party choice ...

So HOW can they be only 2% away from each other?

Because of how they are conducting the poll ...

Think about it ....

If you look at the ELECTORAL MAP .... and the state-by-state polling which will determine those ... you will see thatt, with a few exceptions, the middle of the country is pretty solid Republican ....

From Idaho to Ohio ... from North Dakota to Florida .... they all lean pretty far right ...

If it weren't for LARGE cities, such as Minneapolis .... St. Paul ... NYC ... Los Angeles (oh there's a story) ... Pheonix ... Denver ... etc .... the MAJORITY of those stattes would lean Republican as well ...

As a matter of fact - California .... they have had a campaign - for quite a few voting cycles now - trying to SEPERATE the top 2/3 of the state from the bottom 1/3 ... 


Because the Northern 2/3 of the state are the ones who seem to pay the most taxes, but see the least amount of benefit.

TWICE, that I can remember, they have had petitions to get the question put on the ballot .... twice the state has used the courts to push it down - the first time, claiming the people who signed didn't qualify .... the second, because it was declared Unconstitutional ... 

The petitioners say niether is true, but they didn't have the funds to take it to a higher court.

There's a group of counties in Washington state who want to leave the state and join with Idaho ... in order to do this, they need the "okay" from both states ....

Idaho is for it - but Washington state is putting up a fuss ... not because of the loss of population ... tthere's not that huge of a loss ....
But, rather, its the loss of TAXES ... see, these particular counties have some of the largest industries - outside of Starubuck's - which the state has ....

And - really - the ENTIRE nation is this way ....

So where are these polls being taken??

I'm going to guess LARGE cities - places where there are a LOT of squawler ....
Low income ....
Unemployment ....
Used to be "union" workers - but 60% of union workers are supporting Trump this go 'round.  Just ask the head of the WildCats union of truck drivers ....

So - DON'T TRUST the polling you are hearing ....

Instead - go to Wikipedia .... I know, people say its a bad source, but really it's not when you look at the source materials ... and look up how you STATE voted during the LAST ELECTION, compare it to the 2 elections before it ....

I'm going to guess you'd be shocked at just how right leaning your state really is.

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