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Tuesday, October 15, 2024


You may have seen, by now, the clip of Tim Walz going phesant hunting in MN .... the video is all over YouTube if you haven't ....

I am actually NOT going to plop it in here - because I don't want to get into trouble ...

But I was looking .... and I found a lot of vloggers who were making comments about how he didn't seem to know how to LOAD the gun ....

The gun, Walz said, he bought back when he was shooting skeet, because it has something which makes it less painful to shoot when you get older ....

yeah ....

So - while you are watching him try to load this thing .... it's a freakin' shotgun, for God's sake, how tough can it be??

While you are watching him .... see if you think the same thing I did ...

The vlogger said, if he had just tilted it downward, it would make loading it so much easier ...

BUT if you watch the ENTIRE clip - he ALWAYS has it poine UP ....

Ummmmm ....

They must have had it filled with BLANKS .... because "What goes UP, MUST - eventually - come DOWN" ....

Even POLICE OFFICERS know to poin their weapons DOWNWARD while walking, or in pursuit of someone, or something ....

Misfires happen -- it's a fact .... 

I'm shocked that Walz didn't learn this ... while he was serving IN WAR (according to him) when he was in the National Guard ... according to him ....

This guy is worse than the guys in "Strpes" ... they at least knew how to hold a gun.

You will notice - if you watch iany NON Hollywood videos of soldiers - that while, yes, their guns are pointed upward, they are also pointed at an angle AWAY from where other members of the platoon might be ....


You don't put your fingers ANYWHERE NEAR the trigger - unless you are READY TO FIREi it .... it doesn't take much to set it off ...

But if yu are lucky enough to see the part where he mentions how much he wishes he had a Diet Mountain Dew - his drink of choice - and it suddenly appears in the middle of a field -- one of his entourage was carrying it, and keeping it cold .... remember - they are in the MIDDLE OF A FIELD ... hunting ....

Eye roll here ...

But he decides to open the bottle ... and instead of laying the gun down, or giving it to one of the many people to hold for him .... the puts it BUTT DOWN ....

Oh .... how I kept waiting for one of those hunting dogs to step on the trigger ....

but ... they didn't.

Now, everyone kept saying he didn't hit anything .... but - that's not true ....

When the images first came out - before all he hoopla over it - they were saying/claiming that Walz DID get a Phesant Rooster ....

The rooster fell from the sky and landed in the field .... but, the HUNTING DOGS couldn't find it ....

Time to get some new dogs ...

But then - instead of LOOKING FOR IT .... the JUST LEFT THE BIRD UNRECOVERED ....

It happens quite a bit with deer hunting - the bullet doesn't kill the deer quick enough and it wanders off ....

But a TRUE HUNTER will track the quarry to be sure it doesn't suffer unnecessarily .... 

So - IF Walz had hit his bird ... he should have sent out his "beaters" to find the damned thting ... 

He is NOT a hunter, by any means ....

I don't remember him EVER getting anything on one of his hunting trips ....

Hmmmm ....

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