May the Gargoyle Be With You - Follow my blog on your site or Google reader

Sunday, October 06, 2024


Okay - so I woke up to this this morning ....
Note: the clip is totally missing the very closely clipped videos of both Mr. Trump and his son speaking .... and I mean c-l-o-s-e-l-y clipped ... 

And Johnson was corresct not to answer ... it was a "gotcha" question on the major saide!

It reminds me of the clip where they tried to get Candice Owens saying she "supported" Hiltler .... and she shredded that congress person to shreds .... hee hee hee ... she was so good at it too ....

I don't know why George is getting so grumpy lately ... but he's become quite the curmudgeon lately .... doesn't matter which show he's on, he acts like he can't understand why the Dems are doing so poorly in the polls ....

As Carvell once said ...


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