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Sunday, December 01, 2024


Okay - so if you go to Agenda Free on YouTube .... makes sure you listen to the statement from Biden, himself ....

It sounds like he either made the decision that Hunter was being "singled out" or to pardon Biden this weekend ...

Geez - just think - after Thanksgiving ....

I alsways had a feeling he was going to pardon Hunter - but I figured he would wait until closer to the end of his term ...

Maybe ...

Maybe - we just got a heads up!!!

I'm going to guess that Biden is going to RESIGN ...

Which will make HARRIS the first female president!!

But ... NOT an elected President ....

She will be in the same line as President Ford .... they only President to never get elected into the office of President, nor Vice-President ....

Do you think she will get the same Presidential retirement goodies???

Such as LIFETIME Secret Service ....
LIFETIME health benefits
LIFETIME Presidential PAY

Yup - I haven't heard of any limit as to how long they have to be President to receive these thin

And - just think - if it hadn't been for the "George Floyd" raiots - she would never have even been picked to be the Vice President ....

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