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Sunday, January 19, 2025


Who else is waiting for the news that Biden is going to resign today or tomorrow morning .... so that Harris can be the First Female President,  the First President of Asain Decent, and the Second Black President ...

Why do I still think this is going to happen -- even with the rifr that's blossomed lately?

Because as it stands right now - Trump is getting all the "glory" in the history books ....

He is only the SECOND person to ever win NON-consecutive terms in the White House ....

He is the FIRST President to ever be found guilty in a court of law BEFORE being elected ... 

I was going to say he was he first DIVORCED President, but I think that was Ronald Reagan ... I think ... bu since he's on wife #3 ... I'm going to guess he's the first to have 2 EX-WIVES ....

But - you can see where the History Books are going to be looking ... 

Joe Biden - well, he has pardoned a LOT of people this week .... I heard he Commuted the DRUG sentences for 2,500 felons this week ....
The official story is that they were convicted of "non-violent" crimes .... but I also heard they hadn't done very much research, and some of them had OTHER crimes they had been convicted of as well ....

Let's hope hey caught those before they released the prisoners!

So - TODAY - I expect a big News Day from the WHite House ... about Joe Biden.

Although, I heard he said he will be attending the Inauguration of President Trump ... and the news has been adding the line "which Trump wouldn't do for him" ....
But if I remember correctly - he hadn't been invited ... and, YES, like giving the 'State of the Union Address" in fron of Congress - you HAVE TO BE INVITED ...

And - if I remember correctly, when Nancy Pelosi was Speaker of the House in 2016, she wasn't so sure she was going to invite he President to speak ....

So - keep an eye, or an ear, on the news today .... something is going to happen ....

I can just feel it

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