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Friday, January 10, 2025


Interestingly enough, and I did not know about this until a guest on The Faulkner Focus (FNC) mentioned it this morning ...

But, did you know this could have been a LOT worse???

You see, when Mayor Bass put forth her budget cut for the Fire Department ... it was not originally the $17.6 Million she recieved ....

$30 MILLION is what she originally wanted to cut!!!!!!

Almost twice as much!

WTF???  Knowing that hese are a "different breed" of people - ones who run towards trouble, not away from it - she decided to play with he residents homes!

In fact, her "foresight" was so narrow, that there likely is not enough in the city coffers to REBUILD a number of buildings which the city, itself, has lost ...

So - President Biden has pleadged to cover 100% of the cost of clean-up, overtime, temporary housing, etc. etc. etc.

All of it - the entire nation will be paying for 160 days worth ... that is 6 monhs .... when there are people still in North Carolina who are waiing for assistance from FEMA ....
Which, if you listen to D.C., is just a bunch of melarchy ... they swear everyone has gotten help ...
BUT - there are still "church" groups (because they are tthe only ones outside of FEMA allowed to do it) are still helping with:
Living Areas
etc. etc. etc.

If you don't believe it - check it out on YouTuve -- there are videos all over the place talking about it ...

And now these people have been hit by a snow/ice storm ...

Biden, I swear, is out to leave the USA in a pile of poo for Trump to try and straighten out ...

Just so in 4 years, the Dems can say "see - Trump made itt so much worse" .... eye roll here.

But ... Back to California ...

In 2 more years, there will be another election ... I'm going to guess that more of the sttate will begin to the Right, butt that BIG CITIES (such as L.A. and SF and SD) will likely still be to the Left ...
The more people you have receiving income from the government, the more likely they are to lean Left, I have found

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