May the Gargoyle Be With You - Follow my blog on your site or Google reader

Wednesday, February 19, 2025


Okay - I have been keeping up with my news shows so far this week, but a clip of Trump on Shawn Hannity's show on Fox News CHannel - I don't watch this one, it's too partisan for me - Hannity asked How Much Money did  Trump think they would find?

Trump said that what they have found so far is about 10% of what waste is out there ... and claimed it was a "drop in the bucket" ....

So far?


Where did it go?

Well according to Trump - part of the money went to go clip the tip off a bunch of African men .... yess - we paid for CIRCUMCISIONS of men in an African nation (I don't recall which one) ..... but - excuse me????  Why are we paying for ANYONE'S circumcision????

The taxpayers don't pay for it in America - we sure as poop shouldn't be paying for it in anyone else's country!!!

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