May the Gargoyle Be With You - Follow my blog on your site or Google reader

Sunday, February 16, 2025


I am trying very hard this week to keep up wih the Sunday News programs .... but the best clip of the weekend, which I saw - I know I don't watch all he programs, but this was awesome .... was when Marco Rubio was being interviewed by the hostess on Face the Nation (CBS) and the subject of Free Speech came up ...

And Margaret Brennan (I think that was her name) made a comment of how Free Speech was used during World War 2 as a weapon ....

And Rubio let her have it with both barrels (filled with rock salt, of course - won't kill ya, but it hurts like an S.O.B.) ..... He pointed out that in Germany during WOrld War 2 there was no free speech .... that there were very few personal freedons .... etc. etc.

It's kind of refreshing to hear someone from DC who actually paid attention to the SUBJECTS be taught in shool for a change.

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