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Tuesday, February 04, 2025


Okay - I am watching today's episode of Good Morning America (ABC) - it drives me crazy, but I like it - and they had a heartbreaking story about a man who died from an asthma attack .... who knew this was still a thing these days?

Kind of ....

Here's what happened ....

The man was 22-years old and living on his own in Wisconsin .... his family is in WI as well, just as a side note for later ... his dad said he was "Living Large" - his words, not mine ....

He had had asthma most of his life - most asthma doesn't get diagnosed until school starts, although someimes it will be diagnosed before school age ...

He was using an Advair inhaler which costed $66for a one month supply ....
In January 2024, he went to fill his prescription at his Walgreen's store where he always got it filled ...
The pharmacy told him his insurance no longer covered inhalers ....

The cost of the inhaler without insurance?


According to his mother, he made $19/hour .... he worked Full Time .... he had his own insurance .... 

He had an Albetal inhaler - only to be used in emergencies ...

So - he started having issues breathing some 5 days later .... and he wound up in a coma, and eventually the family was told he wouldn't survive ...

First - I feel this family's pain ... 

Second - my brother had really bad asthma as a child as well, before all the fancy inhalers - I remember him sitting at the dining room table wih a twel tented over his head while Ma poured hot water into a bowl so the steam could help him breath easier ...

It was really scary - but as he got older, his lungs got stronger .... I'm just saying .... I do not remember him having any attacks as a teen, nor an adult.

I have heard that many of the treatments they use these days, can weaken bones .... cause the body to become dependant upon them ... stop children from growing to a "normal" height ... etc.

Oops - getting off track ...

Now - when he arrived at the sore to get his prescription ... I would think that HE could have very easily have called his doctor to be a different prescript .... 

There is NOTHING which puts the responsibility on the pharmacy to call the physician .... they will call if there is a question about a dosage, or if they simply cannot read the doctor's handwriting ... but other than that - if they call for you, buy a lottery ticket because you're lucky as crud!!!!

The pharmacist will let you know what the total will be ... they will let you know if something is not completely covered ... they are NOT responsible for fixing it for you.

Now - about his insurance ... the mother said he "had his own insurance" ... but she did not say if he got it through his employer or if he had purchased it on his own ...

If he got it via his employer -- it would be up to THEM to let him know of a change in the policy .... usually it's a 30 day minim notice, but I'm not sure about the laws in WI.

If he had it independantly on his own ... then it would have been up to the INSURANCE company to let him know with a 30 day notice.

Unless he did - figured it was likely the same, and didn't read through the notification thoroughly enough .... a typical thing for many 22 year olds.

The family however - and this is where the question comes in - is sueing both the insurance company AND Walgreen's for their son's death.

Their theory is that the insurance company made the swittch in the policy without telling him ... not very likely ... and like I said, it depends on where he got the insurance through.

As far as Walgreen's goes - they feel Walgreen's should have contacted his physician, gotten him some discount (I would assume like through an app), or something else.

My thought is - he shouldn't have waited so long to get his prescript refilled .... I'm sorry ... but if you are so dependant on a medication, why would you wait until you are completely out of medication??

Then too - and this is the part that gets me .... wouldn't he still be on his parents insurance???

Remember, he was only 22 years old - and ObamaCare said that kids had to be covered until they turned 26 years old ...

And generally the way it works is - you turn the bill into your insurance, then whatever isn't covered goes to your parent's insurance ... this is for if you are not married .... i works a little differently when you are married.

But for him, it would have gone to the insurance of his elder parent first, then to the younger parent's insurance ... 

Even if if didn't work that way -- why wouldn't he call his parents and ask them for help?????

Damn - I have kids .... I know they can be stubborn ... but I don't think one of them would have ever NOT come to us if they were in this type of bind!

I'm not so sure I could have gone on a tv show and talked about this without crying ... or at least, without having my voice crack ....

I'm not saying they are "uncaring" or anything - I'm thinking they are just very close to their God .... to their Faith ... 

We all handle things differently .... grief is a big one .... but my question I guess is ....

Who's really to blame for this man's death?

Personally - I think it is .... HIM ... 

He had to know how important his meds were ... pay for the meds and then call your folks for a little financial help.

Call your doctor, see what they can do ...

Call your insurance to see what they can do ....

Do SOMETHING .... don't just give up.

Remember - it was 5 days before he wound up in the hospital .... he had time to try to do something.

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