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Sunday, February 09, 2025


So - the word is that the FAA and those looking over the aircraft involved have sound that the BLack Hawk had a key system turned off ... the ADSB .... 

But it is ALLOWED to be turned off during "Training MIssions"

I'm going to guess that i likely is the thing that would have given a warning to look out, there's something in front of you!

And I'm going to guess, that this likely will no longer be allowed to be turned off ....

But nothing has been decided as of yet.

And there has been no definate word that it is what caused the crash to happen ....

Reagan Airport though is going to start cutting their flight numbers from 28 flights/hr to only 26 flights/hour ,,,,, hmmmm ... not sure how much that is going to help - other than lessen a little bit of the stress i the ATDT .... and after living threw he late 70s and early 80s when Reagan went through the ATC strike .... I can see where it might help a bit.

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