May the Gargoyle Be With You - Follow my blog on your site or Google reader

Tuesday, March 11, 2025


You may have seen, or at leas5 heard of, the Track meet which ended in a runner with a concuddion, and another runner proclaiming her innocence - and crying crocodile tears all the way.

When you watch the video - there is no question that runner #2 meant to hit runner #1 in the head with that baton ....

Runner #2's side has tried to say "from this other angle" view of the attack - sorry, there's no other word for it - shows that she obviously did not mean for it to happen.

Yeah - BUT the official tape shows her doing it .... the tape which the Officials of the Sport are using to DISQUALIFY her from the game.

Here's my understanding of the situation - Runner #2 had just won a race, and had to hurry to get to the relay race ... she had just set a new record for the first race, so she was rather "charged up" ....

While racing, runner #1 came out of no where, along the outside, and by the looks of it, looked as if she was going to win ....

And then it happened - runner 2, pulled her arm back in such a way as to NOT be in the normal "form" of the race... she SWUNG her arm not just out but also, DOWNWARD, towards runner 1's head .... 

Runner 1 ran off the track, rolled on the floor/ground, and was found to have had a concussion.

I'm sorry -- but even if you DIDN'T MEAN IT, like you say, even you must admit - you DESERVE to be PUNISHED to the maximum penalty!!!!

This isn't a case of "she said, she said" .... this isn't a case of "Oops" .... but this isn't a case of behind the scenes, in the back alley attack either ....

And for those who are low enough to be calling this girls family to make threats --- God is WATCHING YOU!!!!

You better hope this girl stays SA

FE ....

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