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Monday, August 20, 2007

Jimmy Beans Update 2

Wow! I got the first part of my shipment today. I didn't think it would get here this soon since they just mailed it out at the end of last week (Thursday night I think), as a matter of fact when I checked the USPS site this morning they still hadn't updated anything on the package.

Imagine my surprise...and shock followed by slight dread...when we got back from Walmart (clothes shopping for back to schoolX3kids+1hubby=more than I spend on yarn in a month) and hubby pulled it out of the mailbox...we have one of those old-fashioned sitting-on-a-pole mailboxes...and my oldest made a point of reading who it was from so my husband would know.

"JIMMY BEANS WOOL?? Mom you didn't buy MORE YARN DID YOU??"....I could have shaved his head right there n then, otherwise hubby would have just plopped the bundle down and wouldn't have said anything about it until midnight or so.

{sigh}Anyways. Great delivery! Although I have to check, I thought I had paid extra for the signature confirmation but I may have talked myself out of it since I see when the mail-lady comes up the street since moving my computer.

My biggest concern with this part of the order was the needles I had ordered. I have so often seen photos of people ordering bamboo needles just to have them show up snapped or metal ones bent beyond use because of the machines the postal service uses these days.
Well I had written to JBW and let them know this concern and asked if there was a way they could maybe put a tad of extra cushioning in there for me.

Lo' & Behold--they bubble wrapped my sets of needles, just as I had asked. Now I don't know if they do this all the time or if it was just this one order...either way it impressed me. Most places I order from send it all in a cardboard box and the needles are slipped in as an after thought and they just work their way into the package (did I mention the time I had an skein of yarn ruined because of this little trick? BUt that's another company not JBW).

The only thing I had a fuss with was the shipping packaging...had the order been JUST yarn I wouldn't have had an issue but because the order did contain needles I think I would have preferred it in a box instead of the shipping envelope {non-padded}, but then perhaps the envelope was used because of the extra bulk of the bubble wrap...boxes can only be so think and then they are not allowed to exceed the normal contrains of the box, etc.. It may have been the best way to keep the price down for shipping (after all, remember they are not charging me any more for the shipping than the original $4)

Now I havemy two skeins of Maisy in "Indian Corn" color I will have to get working on it for a quick review.

I will keep you all informed on my shipments from Jimmy Beans.

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