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Sunday, August 26, 2007

New Element to page

Its amazing the things you think to do when you are waiting for your kids to get home after curfew (okay he's over 18 but he should at least give a call and say he's okay).
In the side bar at the bottom of the page you will find a new listing of the pages for famous actors and actresses born 100 years ago.

Why did I do this? Mostly out of curiousity....see I was looking up Bob Hope on there because I was sure he had passed but daughter was insisting he was still alive (she saw a rerun of one of his shows I think)...any ways, he lived to be over 100 yrs old!

Imagine....he smoked....he drank....he caroused all hours of the night (like a certain kid who needs to get it)...he ate red meat like you wouldn't believe....yet he lived over 100 yrs! And holds the record for the longest marriage in Hollywood!

Well that little fact got me wondering about Burns & Allen, I thought they had been together for a long time too (she died in 78 though) I pulled up George Burns' page and found he lived to over 100 years old too!!!

He also smoked (a LOT), drank, ate meat, and caroused all around hollywood....

Makes you think about all the stuff you read these days about living longer, huh? What did they know that the doctors can't figure out now? started as a futile search for other actors/actresses who lived to be at least 100 years or more...but I found that impossible without going thru each and every actors bio who was born between 1899-1907 (I'm an optimist)...but I gave up out of boredom more than anything else and settled on just a list of people born 100 years ago.

You will notice that I didn't find a single one who is still alive today....if you know of one that I missed (must be famous and born 100 years ago)....leave me a comment; if I can varify it, I will add them to my list.

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