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Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Well, we did our rain dance last week at the cabin and I guess it worked in spades!

We got 2 1/2" of rain Saturday, and now we got another 1 1/2" last night with high winds. It blew open the secured front door and I had to actually lock it to keep it closed.

Saturday's storm sent a lovely Maple branch towards the front windows but luckily it just slid down them instead of coming thru the glass. Last night's storm has put another good sized branch across my front sidewalk so no one can come to the front door...well that's one way to keep the Fuller brush man away.

Our garden had tomatoes all over it from Saturday's storm which we had to pick up, but my daughter checked it out today and said the zucchini and canteloupes have been taken for a ride this time.

Sure.....where wa all this rain two months ago when the corn needed it??? Or even a month ago when the cobs were forming? The corn crop is a total wash....we can't even sell the stalks for Halloween decorations they are so puny (only about 3- 3 1/2ft tall) and sun-bleached.

Very disappointing year for the farm. We won't even qualify for the Federal Disaster loans the government is offering farmers because our farm isn't "big" farmland standards we are a "hobby" farm...but this money is where the kids field trips and school activity fees come from. We were hoping to help the eldest son with his first year's book at College this year but now it is going to be tight.

Between gas prices, food prices (milk is almost $4/gal where we go, and that the cheapest place), new clothes for the kids, shoes, first semester tuition for the oldest, and having to pay the district so our daughter can get a bus to school money is going to be tight this year.

We won't even make back the $ we put out for the seed this year.

Don't worry though, we will muddle heck we will be okay...we are doing better then some in the area...and we are doing better than the farmers who rely almost solely on their crops for income, they really do deserve the loan money.

Remember Farm-Aid? That musical concert that began in the 80's by the likes of Willie Nelson? Whatever happened to that? Is that still going on?

Or did the farmer's get left behind again?

1 comment:

Professor Howdy said...

Very good posting.
Thank you - Have a good day!!!


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