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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Hey, I learned my nutrition from Burger King!!!

Burger King unveils healthier kids menu - Yahoo! News

Okay, this news story has me doing "on the other hand"s.

On one hand, unless the kids under 12 can drive their car to Burger King, then it is the parents who are allowing their kids to eat this junk.

on the other will make it easier for parents to offer healthier choices to the kids if Burger King and other drive threws have it on their menus.

on the other hand....there is some question as to whether the kids will actually eat them. I don't care how much lemon you spray on an apple it is going to look ucky after a while...they would have to do the Apple Fries right there on site, and we know that ain't going to happen (I used to work in food service and dealt with cut apples all the time).

on the other food joints have never been challenged by the American public (well, world public now) about how much it really costs to produce these meals. I think most people would be surprised how much money they could save by simply cutting down on the fast food stops. We are a family of 5, now, when we go...that's $30 a trip. We've taken to eating at home.

on the other is nice when you are running late from work, soccar practice, traffic, illness to be able to stop in at the local fast-food place and have them make dinner for you.

on the other hand....they make these neat little inventions called the "freezer" and "microwave". A smart person might just make extra of a good healthy meal and freeze the left overs for nights when things are running late. 20 minutes on high, and viola! instant meal for a fraction of the price.

on the other hand...I have seen the F&CS classes they give kids these days. F&CS=Family & Consumer Science...our old "home ec" courses. They spend two weeks on cooking & sewing and then the rest is spent on what we would have learned in SexEd or Health class (and this is in 7th grade here, other cities start even sooner). I can see why most people don't know how to cook, for themselves or their family.

Hmmm, a lot to ponder here. Is it a good thing, or just the latest gimmick to make a buck, for fast food restraunts to serve "healthy" foods? Why not just keep a couple of apples in the car, some bottled water, maybe some crackers for the kids until you can get home to make a decent meal???

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