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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

When the Media becomes part of the news--its wrong!

Number of immigrants hits record 37.5M - Yahoo! News

Okay I'm about to come off as being racist to many people, but you know what...I DON'T CARE...I don't care what color your skin is or what your nationality might be, and I'm the last one to hold up a persons religion against them either. BUT it is stories like this that really puts the starch in my skivies!!

They, the media, is using the word "immigrant" to lump sum up legal immigrants with ILlegal immigrants.

I'm sorry but to me this makes a big difference in this report...why? Because they have no real statistics regarding ILlegal immigrants, these are just estimates based on the big cities in the what's the problem with that?

Because (a)it throws off the dispersion of funding from the mean you didn't know that the amount of taxes your state/county/city recieves from the government is based on population??? and (b)it sets up amnesty programs. That's right, it makes the problem seem so overwhelming that people think it would just be better to forgive them all.

I'm sorry....I don't believe that. My great-grandparents had to go thru "channels" to get to America...they had to endure years of discrimination based on race & religion.

I don't care if they come from Canada, Mexico, Africa, Venezuela, China, Australia, or any other of the nations on this planet---there is a legitimate way to do it, and they should follow it.

If they can break one of our basic laws, then why on this green earth would/should/could we expect them to follow any of the more serious ones?

BTW...if you look carefully at the map to the has nothing to do with the story, it is about COMMUTER TIME!! I suppose it just looked better than the other map.

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