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Monday, September 03, 2007

Hogarts Homework #2-Q & A

Okay we just got back from a hard weekend and I found that I have homework waiting for me. I am so sore I am glad that it is written homework and not something I will have to "do"...sock progress later.

So here are the Q & A answers (answers in my 2nd favorite color: purple)

What type of pet do you choose as your companion at Hogwarts? I march to a beat of my own drum, so while not allowed, I would love to bring my pet gargoyle. His name is Garm and is a wolf/husky (he has such pretty purplish blue eyes) grotesque. He is missing one ear...he lost it saving a child from an ogre.

While shopping in Hogsmeade you stop by Honeydukes for some sweets. What treats do you purchase for yourself? Licorice Whips, guaranteed to last a thousand lashings! Every flavor beans minus those nasty ones like dirt/vomit/earwax/worms...yuk!

Of course I do try to stay away from sweets due to rather bad teeth (caused by several years of neglect as a child).

A potion you are preparing needs an ingredient available only at muggle shops. You don't want to stand out in your wizards robes, so you resort to traditional muggle clothing. Describe your outfit in detail.

My "hiding" in plain sight outfit? Well lets spiked-high heeled boots that go up to my knees; black velvet pants with a button fly that buttons on the diagonal; white lacy blouse that covers from wrist to full neck, but not to "flouncy" just a nice lace overlay on a white poplin based shirt (no leg-o-mutton sleeves but a small puff at the wrists would be fine); black suede jacket with extra long fringe on the seams; no hat, hair in what is known as a pony-tail put high on the head so it swings with the fringe; as little jewelry as possible, just my silver trinity ring and my viking protection necklace on its leather cord.

What is your favorite subject to study at Hogwarts and why?

Oooh, this one is not an easy one to chose as I like so many. Right now I would have to say the one I am best at is Divination....its the crystal gazing, tea reading and tarot cards that I really excel at...although I have had several conversations with Trelawny about the lack of Runic divination in her class. And I admit that we have had some very heated exchanges concerning our differing interpretations of imagery...but she is the teacher, so unless I can find a source she will accept I will have to acquiesce to her.

However, I would say the class I like to go to the most is Potions...not just because of the fun of mixing different compounds that make things happen but also because I just love staring at the portrait of Professor Snape...he has such an interesting face. You know he was Headmaster of Hogwarts once...I'm so glad that they decided to put a portrait of him in both the potions lab and the Slytherin commons room.

Likewise, what subject is your least favorite and why?

Least favorite? Hmm, that would have to be Arithmancy...its not that I don't like numbers, I just can't see the value of it all. Most people poo-poo Divination, but I poo-poo Arithmancy....there just is no correlation between numbers and magic, I'm sorry. Its all theory and no proof. Give me a good potion anyday!

Back to the potion you were shopping for ingredients for, what type of potion are you making, what color is it, what are the ingredients, and precisely what does the potion do?
My potion is "Volaticus Lamia " or literally "Winged Witch" potion. It enables one to fly without aid/use of broom. I actually have quite a few versions that have been handed down through my family...but I need some ingredients common to all of them: Silverweed, Devil's Oatmeal, and Mugwort, also known as St. John's plant (not to be confused with St. John's Wort). I will need some fat from a young pig if I used the traditional recipes, but I have found I can get just as good an effect with the use of the oils of Sandalwood, Jasmine, and Benjamin (well and a few more ingredients I'll keep private).
The resulting lotion has a wonderful smell that reminds one of a home cooked meal on a summers night; the color is a beautiful golden green that blends into the skin and gives it a shimmer, making the wearer appear to be floating on glowing clouds.

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