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Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Is it Friday? Cuz I was Freaking!!

okay so my daughter is supposed to be home at 3:45pm from school (2nd grade) and she's wasn't home yet. No biggie....first day of school things are always a bit off....hubby gets home at 4pm if she's not home by then I'll worry.

Hubby gets daughter...hubby was running 10 minutes late!

He walks down to the end of the drive to see if she's here yet (well, if she were here I wouldn't be standing in 92* heat!) and while he's on his way a bus stopped at the freeway at the end of the road. A 55 mph freeway (well that's the posted speed)...but the door doesn't open that I see and it looks like the driver is just getting his barings. No biggie, I was hoping though that he had just stopped before making that turn up the road (its kind of a sharp turn if they don't start it early enough). But he went on so hey couldn't have been her bus.

So now my daughter is almost 1/2 hour late...I went back in the house and got the portable phone and the bus card so I can call them. No biggie, they will call the bus driver and probably find he's lost or something.

I answering machine!! WHAT??? On the first day of school in my mind there needs to be someone manning those phones until the last bus rolls in and is accounted for. So displeased, I left my phone message about my daughter being a half hour late and what her name was and our phone number...and I tried to stay as calm as I could...which wasn't easy because I tend to over react when I'm hot.

So I'm waiting for another 10 minutes or so and I'm starting to really get worried now...I'm wondering if I shouldn't be calling the school incase they have a seperate number that would bypass the answering machine and get a live person. So I'm walking down to the end of the road when this bus comes from the other way on the freeway.

Now my understanding in my state is that buses need to avoid left hand turns whenever possible, if there is another way to take they need to take it. So when I see him in the left hand lane I figured he was going to go straight up the highway...nope he made a left onto our road and stopped just inside the street from the freeway.

BOY DID I LET HIM HAVE IT! He said he tried to let her off at the end of the road but she refused to get off...I told her "good girl" in front of him. I told him she knows that's not her bus stop, that she is to get dropped off at the end of the driveway not the freeway. He said "well I pulled over"...I told him I didn't care if he pulled is 55 mph and those cars don't slow down! That he wouldn't let a kid off on the major freeway down the way here and he certainly shouldn't be letting my kid off at the highway either where the speeds are the same...and at this time of day the traffic levels are probably a little better on the freeway!

I didn't mean to bawl him out in front of the kids but (a) he was over 1/2hr late (b)I was hot (c)he tried to drop her off on the freeway...this is not an old issue, we've gone thru it several years before...I thought we had this licked.

So now I will have to see what Transportation has to say if they give me a call back tomorrow. Hopefully I will be calmer.

Scary part was that there was a car that was going about 40 mph on our road (limit is 20) just after the bus had continued on after she refused to get off...she would have been splattered because its a dirt road and no way for the cars to stop.

I'm just glad she's home.

Say wasn't I going to keep this blog about knitting and such?? Hmmm, just so long as I don't start neglecting my other two blogs I guess.

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