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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Now aren't you glad you pay taxes???

The Raw Story Nebraska State Senator sues God to stop plagues, terror threats

Okay I can see why the Senator would be upset about the case where the judge barred the lawyers from using the words "Rape" and "Victim" in a case...okay that judge was beyond being an idiot...but how is this lawsuit going to do anything about it other than waste the Nebraska tax payers money??

Also two more points. First the case should be dismissed not just because it is frivolous but also because he does not specify which God is on trial....god is a generic in any lawsuit he should have to identify a specific defendant. Secondly, I am so hoping he gets the maximum fine for filing this lawsuit....of course it would be ironic if on the day of trial some lawyer comes in to defend the case...and wouldn't God qualify for a public defender? After all he had no income, he had no known means of support, etc. But wait first his "estate" would have to go thru probate before the exact worth of the defendant could be determined to see if he qualifies for a PD. Well that could take a while...there would have to arguments over whether property owned and income received in his name should count, and then there is the issue of which religions should be included in his estate if it is found to part of it...just the Catholic properties (who claim they are the direct descendants) or also the Mormons (who claim to be the "new" church), Episcopalians (Diet Catholic), Methodists (sing baby sing), Baptists (all 738 branches), etc.

Well this could be interesting to say the least. I wish I could have imbedded the video from the page for you. Now I happen to like Fox news....I watch it a lot, and will seek it out if I want something non-local...but I could not swallow the female "journalists" remarks about this man's relgious beliefs because he skips the morning prayers--hello, unless I'm mistaken these are optional! Just because your in the garage doesn't make you a car, and just because you go to morning prayers doesn't make you a better person. Lady do some thinking before you talk...Thomas Jefferson wasn't a big fan of religion in law either...heck he even rewrote the Bible leaving only those things that could be proved to be

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