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Saturday, September 22, 2007

Tea that will really get you going in the morning

Bolivian coca production rising under Evo Morales - Yahoo! News

So let me get this straight....he wants to make it easier to grow and turn it into TOOTHPASTE and TEA? Just how bad are their teeth down there? I would think the toothpaste would numb their mouth...the tea would keep them up for weeks.

Just for point of reference....most residential properties measure less than 1/3 acre....or less than 3/ she is growing her crop in about the same area as the average house...and she can't make it.

Here's an idea....change crops! There has to be something else down there that they can grow...I would think the area would be great for coffee, tea, cotton, corn, etc. those crops that like it hot and steamy.

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