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Monday, October 29, 2007

stupid stupid stupid

I am such an idiot. I worked all day yesterday on that sock waiting for hubby to call and then about 11pm last night I looked at the heel and thought I had made a major mistake--I had nearly twice as many stitches as I thought I should have...

So I ripped it back to the stop-line...thank goodness I've learned to put that bit of string thru to make going back so much easier-it even makes it easy to....well I'll get to that.

so then I had to figure out how many stitches needed to got back onto the heel flap needle and how many were to go back onto the circ to hold for the top of the foot. Well I picked up the stitches---count them out and discovered that I was missing three stitches, this is wear that stop-thread comes in real handy.

When you drop a stitch it will not let it run all the way down--did I mention this before? This means that you can easily find a loop with the crochet hook to re-trellis it up. And it just so happens that the frequent color changes of this yarn worked to my advantage was very easy to find when I had missed picking up a stitch.

So I have to admit that was fine....and I was able to figure out which stitches needed to go back onto the circ needle--yeah!!

So I got stitching again...about 1am I looked at it and realized that I screwed up on the heel somehow and had to pull out the stitches on more time. UGH! Atleast it wasn't so bad...only about 13 rows...but while undoing it....I discovered...

I didn't have to frog it the first time!!! (this first time, not the very first time)...I was so mad at myself. I forgot that I was trying it on without finishing that portion of the sock completely fact I was only 4 rows into that section--that's why I still had so many stitches==what an IDIOT.

Well I finally caught up to myself this morning at I started taking what hubby calls Mini-Vacations...15 minute naps...somewhere along the way it got to be a bit longer than a 15 minute nap...I woke up about 5am with what amounted to about 1/2hr of good sleep and I have to say that I wish I could take a couple of those rows back, I didn't do the best job of picking up stitches but then I never claimed to be an expert stitcher.

In fact I'm pretty sure I was only a beginner. I will have to play with tugging some of the stitches a little.

Well that sentence doesn't make any sense---I'm just so tired.

I have got to finish this sock so I have time to wash/dry/block them to get them into the mail.

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