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Thursday, October 04, 2007

This is going to get GOOD - Iraqi war veteran Steve Sarvi to challenge John Kline

Okay this will be interesting. Sen. Kline was a Marine....he worked for POTUS several times and carried the "football" (if you are wondering what that is, its the attache that carries everything needed in case of...well....kaboom), he has a really good track record with the citizens and was battered about for a while as a possible governorship.

His opponent is a vet as well....though I don't see any mention as to what he did, just that he was attached to Iraq...don't see anything about his branch of service in this article (I'm sure its out there someplace)...and, I'm sorry, I have never heard him talked about as a canidate for anything (must be one of those "backroom" deals)...he has been mayor--so has my FIL but I wouldn't want him as a Senator, trust me on this.....

Watertown (the city he was mayor of) is located about 30-45minutes west of the twin cities (with traffic, its probably more the 45min) has a population of 3,029 in less than 2 sq. mi. with a total housing of 1,100 units. Only 48 people are "unemployed" (read that as retired or students) and none of them are in the Armed Forces (wait a minute...Sarvi was supposed to be in the armed forces...hmmm); get this one--of the 1,610 workers who drove to work...1,255 drove alone, only 229 carpooled, 15 used public transportation (which incl. taxies, mean earnings is $52,000; 35% of the families (they specified families) make between $50,000-74,999; they have 34 families living beneath the poverty level; I can not find anything on the race make up of the population; they spend $5,500/student in the schools, with an average of 15 students per teacher (not bad!); median house sells for $275,000...but it doesn't say how big a house that money gets you.
This city is so small that once a year they are able to close off main street for a festival without worry it might do to businesses.

Not that being from a small town is a bad thing, heck I'm in a small town, but I'm wondering how prepared he would be to deal with the problems he would have to handle with the big-city concerns. Of course, coming from a small would be nice to have a voice from parts of the state that aren't usually given much weight to.

Like I will be interesting.

1 comment:

Michael M said...

Sarvi has a lot of experience working with warring factions to create local government out of the chaos that was Kosovo. He has a lot of experience working with warring factions in the chaos that is Iraq to build infrastructure.

What do you need to do in Congress?
Deal with warring Republicans and Democrats to get results.

Sounds perfect to me.

More here, including audio interview I did with Sarvi.

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