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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

News Items (yes again) - Bill Clinton Defends Wife on Illegal Immigrant Issue - Politics Republican Party Democratic Party Political Spectrum:
"At the end of a televised Democratic presidential debate last week, Hillary Rodham Clinton hedged on whether she supported a plan by her home state governor, New York's Eliot Spitzer, to issue licenses to illegal immigrants.
Republicans — and her rivals for the Democratic nomination — quickly criticized her answer, accusing her of trying to have it both ways."

So (1) New York is not her homestate-Arkansas is-she only represents New York--I know several NYers who think of her as a Neo-CarpetBagger...(2)is any one really surprised by her flip-flopping, hemming and hawwing? She has more faces than the god Janus....(3) the best response to this whole thing I heard today on Fox News:

The terrorists that attacked our country on 9/11 had driver's licenses...that was how they are able to get aboard the flights without having their passports checked. It needs to be said that there is a push in DC to pull homeland security moneys from NY if this bill/act passes allowing anyone to get a NY driver's license....remember how many people come in and go out of NY, would also mean that anyone with a NY driver's license would have to carry a passport as well--why? Because HLS would treat ALL forms of ID from NY as suspect.

Immigration Official Aologizes for Offensive Party Costumes

"...apologized after awarding "most original costume" to a Homeland Security Department employee who dressed in prison stripes, dreadlocks and dark makeup for a Halloween gathering..."
"...was part of a three-judge panel that lauded the costume, worn by a white employee, last Wednesday. [Julie Mayers] also posed for a photo with him..."
"...He was not wearing blackface but makeup that was a darker color than his skin..."

So the question is: is it still "black face" even if its not black? YES...even if it were a little darker it would still be considered racist....Ms. Mayers should have realized it at the time--I don't care if she was part of a 3 person panel or a 23 person panel, she should have stood up at the time and told the other judges "no" and refused to take the photo with him...idiot.

Now if he had dressed as a particular prisoner would it have been a problem? I don't know. If he were dressed as Charles Manson-probably not....if he were dressed as OJ Simpson-probably....if he were dressed as Osama or Saddam? I really have no idea, but I would assume so.

Teen Arrested For Hiring Hitman Over Playstation
left his father when Cory was little more than a year old but, by the time she remarried, her son’s behaviour was getting steadily worse.

So his behavior was already showing signs of trouble it was NOT the result of the Playstation or the remarriage--just remember that.
He walked out of lessons at Spring Ridge Middle School in Lexington Park, smashed a fire extinguisher case and then broke into the county fairgrounds, where he vandalised property. A judge sentenced him to supervised probation and his parents attended no less than 36 meetings with the authorities about him.

But Cory dropped out of school and then, after stealing $45 from his sister’s piggy bank, had a fight with his mother, which led to him being kicked out of home. He has since told officials that he was upset about being thrown out of the house and that he felt pressured to talk to the man in the hotel.

Okay so will all this "misbehavior" then why was he out and about? Okay, so I put myself in this mom's position--yeah I guess I would want to always give him a second chance too--but it sounds like she had already given up on him when she booted him out of the house. The interesting thing is that the story said the kid's mom was intregal in setting up the sting to catch the I'm wondering if they will be able to claim intrapment and get him off again... only this time he is really going to be pissed.
Jacko to Lose Neverland Ranch

What? I'm to feel sorry for him?? I think this guy is guilty as sin...there have been too many allegations with too many facts too simular to other claims for him not to be what they say. The testimony of Macaly Culkin? Pleeeease! You can bet that the only reason he didn't say anything is because he thought it would totally kill his "career"....not that there is a lot there to "kill"....but this would have really ended anything he did, even if he decided to get into the scene behind the camera--no one would touch him if they knew Mac knew this was going on and hadn't said anything about it.
Well that's it for now---but we know me.....there will be more later, because we all know I can't keep my opinions to myself...LOLOLOLOL

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