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Saturday, November 24, 2007

this is SO wrong...

Lets101 - Online Free Dating

Okay so I have dated an Aries...he was the worst match for me--very creepy and bad tempered....and I've dated a Sagittarius, also totally wrong for me and seemed rather unstable, if you know what I hubby is a Pisces, he is the perfect match for me--he lets me buy as much yarn as I want with a few protestations but that is just to keep me from buying out the stores, we've been married for neary 20 yrs and have only had 2 fairly major fights and very few bitty ones. This is so wrong!

Oh and anyone who knows anything about us Gemini's would know that a relationship between two of us is destined for conflict--you just can't have that many "personalities" involved in anything successful.

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