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Saturday, December 01, 2007

How has YOUR day been??

Well we are freezing off our stony butts here...oh okay, our stony heads. {oh no I lost the photo!}
This is what it looks like around here today with no signs of letting up at all.
We were supposed to get between 6-10" today with additional snow tomorrow, but they changed that forcast this after noon to 6-10" total for both today and tomorrow.

needless to say the kids are rather disappointed...they will have to wait to go sledding, especially if we get any of the rain they think will come later this afternoon which will eat up the snow.

Its a good day to blog, knit, drink cocoa, take care of hubby with food-poisoning (what he gets for going out to breakfast w/o me), and check out the debate clips on Youtube.

Ahhhh....a peaceful day....everyone is home and no one I know should be involved in any of the multiple car accidents going on out there. You would think being in the upper midwest our drivers would know how to drive in this stuff....but every year the first couple of snow falls you would swear they are all from Hawaii and never seen a flake before.

Must remember to record Radio Days today on TCM....its a favorite movie. I also like Brighton Beach Memiors, Biloxi Blues, A Christmas Story, etc.

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