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Friday, January 04, 2008

FOLLOW UP: Iowa follow-up

okay I'm sure everyone has been updated but here we go anyways:

1. Obama (two years senate experience)
2. Edwards (career senator, former vice-president candidate)
3. Clinton (2 term senator, former First Lady)

1. Huckabee (fmr. governor of Arkansas-ranked #49 in schools)
2. Romney (fmr. governor of Colorado)
3. Thompson (fmr. Representative & actor/radio personality)
4. McCain (Career senator, fmr.POW)
5. Ron Paul (pediatrician, senator-I think)
6. Guilliani (fmr. mayor of NY)

I have heard that as far as speech style goes Obama will be the next Ronald Reagan. Kind of ironic.
they have also been talking a lot about McCain, totally leap frogging over the great show that Thompson made....I have to say I am very happy with the fact that Thompson showed in the top three. I think he appeals to the "common sense" factor to a lot of people--and he looks very Presidential to me.

So who's face would you like to see on the US $? Who would make the best coin or bill face?

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