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Thursday, January 03, 2008

Sell any stock you have NOW!!1

Toxic waste suit filed against IBM Tech news blog - CNET "alleging that chemicals from an IBM plant have caused congenital heart defects in infants and kidney cancers in adults"

Okay this is bad....really bad.

According to a follow up in the news story IBM knew in 2003 that the chemicals were cancer causing agents because they were sued over it.

My goodness, IBM has been an American institution for years--before the Great Depression! They have already been sued several times since their start over simular issues but they have been settled out of court.

This does not look good at all.

If the people are smart they will let this case go to a jury instead of settleing out of court...the jury will order tons more money than IBM would be ready to offer, especially with babies involved.

The only advantage I can see to settling out of court would be that the families will get the $ now instead of having to wait for it all to go thru the appeal process, watching as IBM files protection for themselves claiming that paying the jury-sum would put them out of business, and then finally, in despiration, selling and renaming the company to avoid paying off anything at all in the end.

No the best thing the everyday Joe could do is dump their stock of IBM right now...I just can't see the company surviving this one.

This is super bad.

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