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Thursday, January 03, 2008

So now the corts are making security decisions???? - Court Orders Navy to Lessen Sonar Impact on Marine Life - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News: "The preliminary injunction issued Thursday requires the Navy to create a 12-nautical-mile no-sonar zone along the coast,"

This is really going too far! its bad enough that the courts feel the need to make law instead of interpreting the laws that have been set by the legislative branches of government...but now they are interferring in NATIONAL SECURITY issues????

That is really going too far!

so basically what they are saying is that for 12 natical miles anyone could sneak in under the waves because they won't be able to be detected by our best guard against it....because they are afraid of upsetting the whales.

I'm Sorry---if a few whales get headaches for my country's safety...I'll drop some aspirin in the sea for them.

There is no evidence that links the recent beachings of whales with the use of sonar--if this were the case how do they explain the beachings before the use of sonar? How do they explain beachings when there is no sonar having been used in the area?

its studies based on conjecture and happenstance---kind of like the link between cold and heart attacks.
here's the way that goes: cold causes heart attacks.
Well no....the cold causes snow, snow causes people to need to shovel, the exertion of shovelling can cause a rise in blood pressure, the rise in blood pressure can cause heart attacks in those with risk factors for heart attacks.

Sorry to all you animal rights people out there---but the welfare of animals should not over run the welfare of people.

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