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Thursday, January 03, 2008

Some Gingerly Business advice - Pair Claims Buffet Restaurant Banned Them for Hearty Eating - Local News News Articles National News US News


Okay you really should read the story but here's the jest.

A man and his family go to a buffet three times a week (okay by definition BUFFET is ALL you can eat) and the restaurant was upset with them eating mostly at the seafood section of the buffet--crab legs/shrimp/etc-- so they over charged...and there is a claim of verbal assault but that's really neither here-nor-there in the story.

Apparently the restaurant owner/manager even has a sign up saying that if they see kids playing with their food instead of eating it they will be charging a 20% surcharge!!!!!

This lady, the manager/owner, is really showing signs of needing to get out of the buffet business.

If she wants to control the portions that people eat then she should have a traditional made-per-order menu....or put the more expensive foods on such a list.

What did she think was going to happen? Did she think everyone was going to stick to the salad bar(which btw is where buffets make the money....people fill up on it and then don't eat as much)? Or maybe they need to arrange it so that people have to eat at least one plate of salad before getting their dinner plate to hit the other stuff.

Geez lady, if you are that controlling of portions and are really concerned about "food waste"....get the heck out of the buffet business!

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