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Friday, February 01, 2008

Hmmm, good question

Simpson seeks dismissal of 6 charges - Yahoo! News:
"We don't want the state to be able to bring that up at all,' attorney Gabriel Grasso said. 'That's not part of this case.'"
While we might see the path that connects the two cases--one has to wonder how the court will see it.

After all...He wouldn't have been trying to get the stuff back had he not been trying to hide the fact he had it.....because then it would have fallen under the jurisdiction of the courts to pay a previous judgement against him for the "wrongful death" suit he lost to the Goldman's and on behalf of the Brown family (the kids)....which came about because he was aquitted of the murder charges of his ex-wife and innocent by-stander/friend.

see its linked....but will the courts see that? They will more than likely tell the prosecuters that they must prepare a case which does not bring up the previous trials, making their case solely on evidence in this single case....which would deprive the prosecution of 'motive'.

Hmmm.....pretty slick move.

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