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Friday, February 01, 2008

How ironic

Conservatives target Berkeley as protesters block Marines' door: "three anti-war protesters ratcheted up pressure from the left by chaining themselves Friday to the front door of the downtown Marine recruiting office."

Okay so one of the protesters turned out to be 60+ years old (longing for those younger days I guess).....

but they pulled the same stunts that abortion protestors had done and had gotten arrested for, jailed, fined, etc.

but since it was a recruiting office they didn't get cut off the door for most of the business day.

does any of this make sense??

so the ironic part of it? the line one of the ladies used to block the clear entrance of a perspective recruits:
"They want to train you to kill babies!"

okay the ironic part is, it is very simular to the 'assulting language' used by anti-abortion protestors which resulted in a "safety zone" around clinics

So WHY can't they make simular rulings for recruiting offices....actually, they might be able to apply the home-land security measures that would keep them back certain distances.

Its ironic that the ones being punished are the victims in this matter.

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