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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

So much has changed since Dick & Mary lived there....

Boy's report of abduction, sex assault 'credible,' New Rochelle police say The Journal News:
"NEW ROCHELLE - Investigators say they believe a 14-year-old boy's report that he was was abducted and sexually assaulted yesterday. In an interview this morning, Police Commissioner Patrick Carroll called the account is “credible” but declined to discuss the search for the suspect and the vehicle. More information is expected to come during a press conference scheduled for noon.

The victim, 14, had told New Rochelle police that he was accosted by a man in the central part of the city between 12:45 and 3:15 p.m. yesterday. The suspect, described as a heavy-set black man in his 30s or 40s, forced the teenager into an white Econoline van and took him to another location in the city, then allegedly sexually assaulted him, police said."
My guess is that the police probably have a good idea who the person is if they aren't putting out a wide search for the suspect....and since they didn't run out and pick this person up ASAP, my guess is it will rock the city when it comes out who it is--someone of great trust &/or power.

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