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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

What happened to the Sport of Men??? - Tom Brady and Randy Moss will not play in the pro bowl

Okay so Tom Brady got sacked a few hundred times during the game---it was fun to watch----but still, geez if this were regular season do you think he would have a week off to rest?? F no. He would be getting into the game just like every other weekend.

Granted that the Pro-Bowl isn't like a regular game--but he shouldn't be disappointing the fans that voted for him to play like this.

And Randy Moss?

Well you ask any MN Viking fan why he isn't playing and you will learn the truth--the big baby is just pouting.

He didn't get the ball as many times as he wanted...and when he did he didn't do as well as he should have -- hell there was one pass there that he should have been able to get without any troubles and he muffed it up!!!

No Randy isn't "hurt" like I've read some reports say.....he isn't "worn out" like others have tried to make an excuse for....he just being Baby Randi-kins again.

"When I feel like playing I play, when I don't feel like playing I don't" to paraphrase his infamous quote as to why he seemed to be muffing up the MN games.

My son can make all the excuses for this guy he wants---but lets face it....a real man (and it takes more than gender to be a man) would suck up the embarrassment and try to redeem himself in the eyes of the fans.

He will have a LOT of sucking up to do next year--hell this winter if he wants to get that contract renewed.

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