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Tuesday, June 03, 2008


HILLARY'S ONE CHANCE AT REDEMPTION - New York Post: "TROY, Mich. - If Hillary Rodham Clinton wants to restore her tattered reputation and repair the party she has shattered, there is only one place for her to be tonight: St. Paul, Minn." Hillary - don't do it. Stick to your guns, lady. Just wait out the voting tomorrow.
Do NOT take this road or you will be telling two states within this nation that their votes count for NOTHING!!!

I don't know how the Democrats can keep their hold on these last few states. it seems like after Iowa, New Hampshire, & West Virginia -- no other state matters to them!

The only reason that Obama is relieved that this is over (from another story) is because he knows that the people are starting to think things thru now and are starting to regret voting for him.

Do you really think that if all the crap about Obama had come out before Iowa he would have won??? No f-ing way!

Hill would have been in the lead. he did a really good job at hiding who he really is -- and now because of his moves the party WILL be split in half.

Between McCain & Obama, I'm telling you --- he will lose! He will have little support or confidence from other countries ... and if he wins, the moment he takes office it will be Tehran all over again around the world.

We will lose face everywhere. Especially in those countries who have already HAD a woman in charge. And you can expect even more female-hate speech from those nations that sequester then now.

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