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Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Prepare for $8 gallon gas

Bush would veto U.S. climate change bill Markets Reuters: "Bush himself slammed the bill, saying it would cost the U.S. economy $6 trillion. His estimate drew quick denials from those who support the legislation, including Sen. Barbara Boxer, a California Democrat and longtime environmentalist." Okay I just saw a story on tv yesterday where they examined this bill.
As much as the liberals would love to portray Bush as being out of touch on this (cough, Gore, cough) there is a LOT that they are not telling you.

Like how this will impact the poorest of the nation the most by pushing up the cost of electricity and the gas used to heat homes in the winter ... how it will push gas prices up to $8/gallon within a couple of years (by 2010 I heard one analyst predict).

This bill will get rid of the middle class .... it will kill it on the pyre of Gore ... to be sacrificed on the alter of the Global Warming God. We will be going back to the days of the 'Haves' and "Have Nots" ....

It will close companies left & right as businesses will be unable to pay for their own bills .... won't be able to put fuel into their vehicles.

If you have ever been thru a major storm (or even a minor one for that fact) where there was a mass power outage, then you will realize how important it is that there is gas in businesses trucks. Less trucks being fueled at the electric company means longer for power to come on.

And if you live off the main grid of the large cities -- well you can expect to go DAYS without power. Actually at the old-place we once lost power due to the heat - not the wind, not thunderstorm, not ice-storm -- just the heat played havoc with the power ines/transformers.

In the country we don't just use electricity for just watching tv, computer, radio, refridge, microwaves, freezers, etc. Many of us are actually on well systems where we need to have a pump (an ELECTRIC pump) in order to get water ... and a pump to get the water to the septic system.

If this bill passes - or the presidents veto gets over turned - the predictions of Y2K WILL happen. The entire life in America will change.

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