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Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Election 2008: AP Should Be Held Accountable

Okay so did it bother anyone else that before the polls actually opened in SD and MT that the Associated Press had already released a news story which hit the nationwide news that Obama had won the nomination.

Just like the flack directed at the news stations during the 2000 elections when they reported FL had gone for Bush before the polls had closed --- so should AP be held responsible.

I have a hard time believing that there are only 41,000-some democrats in the state of MT.
SD sits in both Central and Mountain Time, and MT sits in Mountain time completely.

I am in the Central time zone and I was hearing the story over the radio by 7am .... so both states had this info broadcasted at least 1 hour before polls even opened up, most places even two hours ahead of polls.

Now I did hear a higher up female democrat yesterday on the 'Sean Hannity' radio program (I don't usually listen to him, but my regular station had some nut-job on at the same time) ... she is calling for an investigation (at least that's the way I'm taking it) into the Obama campaign and some of the tactics which seemed to be used.
She mentioned reports of caucus improprieties ranging from blocking people from entering caucus places to intimidating voters to mishandling of forms to conducting the counting process wrongly.
I did not hear who it was, but I did know it wasn't Geraldine Farraro because they referenced her during their conversation. So as much as the media tried to label Farraro as a sexist - hell they even labelled her a racist because she wouldn't vote for Obama - this just goes to prove that there is a real large rift in the party that Obama, Pelosi, or Boxer can't fix with just words.
She made it sound like she was going to call for an investigation (at least that's the way I read it) into what role the Obama campaign had into the release of this story or the timing of it.
I know it is something I would like to have looked into. Also into his campaign contribution records ... sure would like to know if there were any foreign investors or who could have afforded to give him so much money (I mean other than Oprah).
I know I sound totally "Black Helicopter" on this -- but something just smells like Limburger cheese to me. It has nothing to do with his being black ... or Hillary being a woman .... it has more to do with the 'sweeps' that he seem to experience in the key states where he had to win in order to get the nomination. I just can not believe that he would have that much of lucky streak.
I have to tell you -- I am glad that Hillary has not dropped out yet. I hope she takes it straight to the convention and brings all this stuff up.
Actually on the Dem side I wanted Edwards to win (not one of my dogs got into this race .... damn)

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